LUMEA e a ta!

Descopera culturi noi si bucura-te de fiecare beneficiu pe care il ofera o vacanta special creata pentru tine si toti dragi tie! Te invitam sa impartasesti consilierilor nostri de calatorie perioada in care iti doresti sa calatoresti si destinatia preferata – acestia vor selecta din multitudinea de hoteluri, zboruri si tururi ceea ce ti se potriveste cel mai bine pentru a te bucura de o vacanta de neuitat.  

In activitatea noastra am consiliat si organizat un numar impresionant de calatorii pentru clientii nostri. Valoroasa experienta dobandita ne ajuta pentru a consilia in alegerea celor mai uimitoare statiuni, orase si tari pe care sa le explorezi intr-o vacanta de neuitat! 

Explore a different way to travel

Discover new cultures and have a wonderful rest with Backpack Story! Select the country you’d like to visit and provide our agents with estimated time – they’ll find and offer the most suitable tours and hotels.

During our work we organized countless journeys for our clients. We started as a small tour bureau, and soon we expanded our offers list. Today we have valuable experience travelling and we can advise the most stunning resorts, cities and countries to visit!
Rulează videoul
Travel early and travel often. Live abroad, if you can. Understand cultures other than your own. As your understanding of other cultures increases, your understanding of yourself and your own culture will increase exponentially.

"Calatoria trebuie rimeze cu navigarea necunoscutului pastrand in minte faptul ca orice destinatie are mult mai mult de oferit decat ceea ce e scris intr-un ghid de calatorie"

Travel early and travel often. Live abroad, if you can. Understand cultures other than your own. As your understanding of other cultures increases, your understanding of yourself and your own culture will increase exponentially.

"Calatoria trebuie rimeze cu navigarea necunoscutului pastrand in minte faptul ca orice destinatie are mult mai mult de oferit decat ceea ce e scris intr-un ghid de calatorie"

Propunerile consilierilor nostri de calatorie va asigura selectarea celor mai confortabile camere in hoteluri menite sa indeplineasca gusturile sofisticate a oricarui calator. Vei fi absolut incantat de solutiile special identificate pentru vacanta minunata!

Calatorii nostri beneficiaza de consiliere pentru a alege servicii unice asigurate la destinatie de specialisti locali. Fiecare calatorie va fi Its main goal is to ensure people with all necessary information any time he needs. This service is similar to Customer Support with emphasis on travelling.

You can book tickets on any plane online via our booking system. Here you have an opportunity to select your transport operator. Our representatives will help you with the details.

Canada Tours

from $1200

Asia Tours

from $1200

Europe Tours

from $420

Asia Tours

from $1200

incepe-ti calatoria!
Let us curate an inspiring experience as you enjoy a personally-themed adventure with a professional guide catered to your interests. Whether a one-day trip or multi-trip journey, you’ll be privileged to enjoy this ultimate luxury to explore Europe with an expert, as well as the unique bird’s eye views from a helicopter in Europe, including Rome, the Dalmation Coast, Paris, Prague and 20 top destinations.
  • First Class Flights
  • 5 Star Accommodations
  • Inclusive Packages
  • Latest Model Vehicles
  • Handpicked Hotels
  • Accesibility managment
  • 10 Languages available
  • +120 Premium city tours
  • Accesibility managment
  • +120 Premium city tours
Time travel used to be thought of as just science fiction, but Einstein's general theory of relativity allows for the possibility that we could warp space-time so much that you could go off in a rocket and return before you set out.

Travel becomes a strategy for accumulating photographs.

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